Every morning, my unofficial garden (the vacant land adjacent to my house) filled with its varied living creatures invites me to the dawn of a new day. I have been living in this house for almost a year now and the plants (includes the sacred neem, the flowering weeds, the non-flowering ones, the lone bittergourd creeper and the native greens aka. Keerai) close to my compound wall will want to occupy the little space of the verandah too.. Well.. I have been allowing them at times and putting them back in their place at other times. With the recent intermitten rains they have grown so tall that it completely seals the outside view, including the garbage dumped by my neighbours, which has been to my advantage. So I let them be..Hmm.. The selfish human race..
These growing weeds have been attracting many beautiful butterflies, the wierd beetles and moths, tiny birds and insects of varied hues and colours which I have not seen in my lifetime. Since I am no zoologist, I have no clue about these creatures which are to be introduced. I am intrigued by them and so I would like to share it with the rest of the world.
The first one is the 'leaves on fours'. With its specific features of a face with a sharp mouth and body (disguised like a dry leaf) and its four legs, I am sure it deserves to be part of the animal planet and not the insect world. But, well, in the animal planet, size does matter..:)
The second one is the 'Hanging Toothpick'. Any unsuspecting living thing would pass by this guy thinking it to be a bunch of sticks, just that a thinking living thing should suspect that a bunch of sticks do not hang from below the leaf nor does it devour the leaf too!! The title aptly describes this creature which, in all its presence looks completely dead but eats on fresh rainwashed leaves.
A humble dedication to the creator (for the believers) and to the theory of evolution (for the non-believers). For those of you who are questioning as to where I belong, I am still in search of an answer. Another answer which I am in search of is the real names of these queer creatures. I think all of us will find answering the second query easier than the first..