Friday, January 30, 2015

Apple, Facebook, Women, Babies, Freezing!!!???

A thought that unsettled me to no end - Freezing babies (a.k.a human eggs, sperms, embryos,) and emotions for money (No, I am not seeing career here, I only see Capitalism) To what end is humanity are homo sapiens going in the name of Capitalism??!!

Can we even dare utter the word Career Goal/Achievement/Success/Any-other-crap to this appalling thought?

When I completed my Masters in Management, I too had seen my future a certain way. I too had dreams. Dreams that were made in a small town with whatever experience life had given then. A career dream that I almost achieved before life in the name of culture or culture in the name of life intervened and put a full stop it. It was hard swallowing reality but I managed that pill quite well, because to me life should not be packaged in work done for money.

I am a woman. My first grouping in the kingdom of homo sapiens. I am a woman with fertility issues. My second grouping within the group. I dreamt of having children, both my own and adopted even when I was a child. Yes, less than 15 was considered child. None of these dreams has seen the light of day due to the general reality called Life. This second pill was and is difficult to swallow - on an everyday basis. When there are some feelings that wont go away, how much ever you might try to think that they may eventually go away. Of course, the argument if I need to voluntarily do injustice to another life by bringing it into this world is a topic of lament for another day.

What could be more important in life than to fulfill our emotions or experience it in the few years that we are allotted here? Why is it that we as a race have failed to realize that we are here to just enjoy life. Capitalism is a by product of humanity. Of course, we have the Aye's and Nay's for Capitalism just like so many other things that are a by product of humanity. But with freezing babies, the human race has come to the point where it has chosen to become the by product of Capitalism.

When we are talking of animal rights for lab rats and guinea pigs, we are giving ourselves to becoming one. In the present generation, bringing babies to this world by itself has become a science experiment, when a few hundred years ago, the human race was no different from any other living thing. Who better than me to tell you that?!

If giving the option of freezing eggs is the liberation that the corporate world is giving women, I beg to please STOP. We are burdened enough with all that has been given to us that we can hardly move. True liberation to a woman would be for her to be free to choose to have her emotional needs fulfilled without the fear of losing all that she has worked for until then. If any corporate can guarantee that, I stand by such corporate and I believe all women will. The human race can thank you then for being thoughtful towards its well being.

Until then, All else that is handed down is Slavery in its Capitalist garb! 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Books, Authors and a Zombie..

Sometimes I dread the spell authors can have over me. Like I am their zombie carrying around their book like it possessed me. Totally, that is. They can make me sit through the night with my body aching on all counts, pleading me to keep that book away and go to sleep but I will still go on. Seriously, who controls me here??

This is not something that has cropped as a disease now. I think I have been hard wired to be zombied by authors. It started off with Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys. When going to school included a 7 km bicycle ride and a 30 minute school bus trip to reach school one way, I have spend most of my standing time in the bus with a book in one hand and lost in detective findings. I was one of those rare (not sure if it was really rare) creatures who would make a list of all the books in a series and check mark them as and when I complete each one of them.

The next one on the zombie list is no surprise - at least, for a major percentage of the reading population. Before you move any further, I declare myself a Potter fan. So, if you have heard enough of Harry Potter, please skip this, else continue. Being an adult when the Potter fever was everywhere, I totally believed that it was for kids. I didn't bother to even turn towards Potter-mania, until the day I said to myself - 'Let me try'. And I am so thankful that I did after all the books in the series were out. Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened to me during the wait for the next book. Another author who totally zombied me with her lesser known 'The Casual Vacancy' too.

The list continues with A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Fault in our Stars, The Goldfinch.. The list goes on - the zombie and her authors...

Note: A post half drafted in 2014 and completed today. Just to know my own heights of procrastination.